Favorite Gotham Cheer event?
The Pride Parade is undeniably the thing I love the most. It's not just about cheering and dancing, but it’s about what it all represents, the work it takes to get there, and everything that that moment encompasses. It's quite an honor. Before that big day, we paved a journey of hard work, blood, sweat, tears, and countless hours on the front line, showing up for the community the best ways we know how. And now the ability to showcase your hard work in conjunction with celebrating radical self-love and acceptance alongside upwards of 2 million is incredibly magical and healing.
What advice would you give LGBTQ youth?
Unfortunately, we live in a world where it may be challenging to find the love and the tribe that you deserve.(Big Momma Voice) But baby, when you do, we’ll be here with open arms, waiting for you with open arms and love to last an eternity. Your tribe is out there; keep fighting!
What's a unique tradition or ritual you have with Gotham/your friends/family?
I am obsessed with our end-of-practice/event chant; "We're here, we're queer! We're GOTHAM CHEER! It's incredibly affirming! We deserve to be loud and proud and take up space!
What is your favorite part of living in New York City (or Tri-State Area)?
For me, NYC often represents a metaphor for the history of many people who have been marginalized. For someone like me who identifies at the intersection of Black and Queer, I am aware of the journeys of both identities and the idea of "creating something out of nothing. Because of certain opinions, certain groups of people had to always be creative and imaginative given the circumstances. That is also where a lot of our gifts come from. And I feel NY carries that same sentiment. It holds and embodies a lot of those stories, struggles, and people, so that energy is attached to the bones of this city. Yes some pain and some shortcomings, but also a rich history of resilience, overcoming, and getting creative to get the job done by any means. NYC Strong!